Questions? Contact us: 320.7223405

Questions? Contact us: 320.7223405

Questions? Contact us: 320.7223405


  • Convenient bottles of oil, Coratina monocultivar, certified and guaranteed. Ideal for children and for a Mediterranean diet, excellent for raw use and to enhance the flavors of your dishes. Color: Emerald green with golden reflections Odor: Intense fruity Taste: sweet, with bitter and spicy notes. Ideal use: excellent on all dishes, both cooked and raw.
  • Organic Evo Oil

    Convenient 3 or 5lt cans of oil, Coratina monocultivar, certified and guaranteed organic. Ideal for children and for a Mediterranean diet, excellent for use raw and to enhance the flavors of your dishes. Color: Emerald green with golden reflections Odor: Intense fruity Taste: sweet, with bitter and spicy notes. Ideal use: excellent on all dishes, both cooked and raw.
  • Excellent for a supply of our superior category extra virgin olive oil obtained with a blend of the olive fruits of the Coratina and Ogliarola Barese varieties. Oil with a delicate taste to be used even raw, is ideal for everyday cooking.
  • Convenient bottles of our superior category extra virgin olive oil obtained with a blend of the olive fruits of the Coratina and Ogliarola Barese varieties. Oil with a delicate taste, to be used even raw, is ideal for everyday cooking.

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